Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Grand Week Ahead!

Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed!  On Monday, we will begin our week long celebration of seasons, apples, and weather.  We will be talking about how seasons and weather change throughout the year.  Friday, we will conclude our celebration with a taste testing party of various uses of apples.  Please look over the newsletter for items to send in.  Also on Friday we will wear pots on our head and pass out grass seed in honor of Johnny Appleseed.  Please send with your child a cooking pot to wear.

Also, this week we will be finishing up our study on animal habitats.  Students should pick an animal and design its habitat in a box (shoe box, cereal box, etc).  These should be brought to school no later than Thursday, Sept. 29th.  Students should also write one sentence to match their habitat.  More information is on the newsletter.  Animal Park Newsletter  

Again, thanks for keeping up with our class website.  I am truly enjoying your students and am seeing tremendous growth already!!!  Keep up the great work!
Ms. Snyder

Friday, September 16, 2011

Newsletter for Get the Egg!

Happy Friday!!  I hope you have a great week and it continues through the weekend.  Here is the newsletter  Get the Egg!

Please email me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Newsletter for A Fox and a Kit and other bits of information

Hey everyone!  Sorry I am posting this late.  Here is the newsletter for this week.  A Fox and a Kit Newsletter

This week we have many exciting events going on.  We went to the library on Monday to visit the Book Fair.  If you did not send in money and would like for your child to purchase a book, you can still send it in and they will go in the morning. 

We also have Grandparent's Day tomorrow.  We ask that only grandparents that signed up attend.  Grandparents are welcome to take their grandchild to the book fair too.

Finally, this week we have been Think Link testing.  This is a baseline test in first grade taken on the computer.  Students took the math portion this morning and will take the reading portion tomorrow.  This will give us an indication of their growth from the beginning to the end of the year. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Big Blue Ox Newsletter

We had a great week!  Enjoy your Labor Day weekend.

To find this week's newsletter click- The Big Blue Ox Newsletter