Monday, September 24, 2012

Get the Egg! Apple Week

Hello parents!  This week we will be reading the story Get the Egg!  Check out the newsletter HERE!  Please continue to encourage your child to read as much as possible.  To be a better reader, you must read.  Help them find books that interest them and are at their level. 

We are also celebrating Johnny Appleseed this week.  We are going to have a tasting session on Friday to see which apples we like best.  If you have not done so, please let me know what you would be willing to send in.  Here are the items we still need:
yellow apples
carmel dip
paper plates
apple butter
apple jelly


Friday, September 7, 2012

Can you believe that we have are half way through our 1st nine weeks?  We have been moving right along and next week is no different.  Check out the newsletter HERE.

SAT 10- Hopefully you have heard or read about our test next week called the SAT 10.  It is an assessment that will measure student growth throughout the year.  We will be taking this next Tues, Wed, Thur.  We look forward to learning more about the test as infomation comes. 

Have a great weekend!!!
Ms. Snyder

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello!  This week we are reading The Big Blue Ox.  Check out the NEWSLETTER for updates on the skills to focus on this week.  Continue to work on the kindergarten sight words and the new first grade words.  Students  have been working hard and continue to show growth.  Keep up the great work!!