Friday, May 4, 2012

There are 18 days left in first grade.  We have been very busy and because of that I have fallen behind on posting on our class blog.  I hope you understand.  Here are the spelling words and dictation sentences for this coming week along with other important notes.
Test will be Thur. May 11th 2012
1. who                    7. am
2. what                  8. is
3. when                  9. of
4. where               10. you
5. why                   11. because
6. how                   12. from

Dictation sentences:
1.    What is your name?
2.    Who is singing that song?
3.    When is the party?
4.    Where are you going?
5.    Why is she crying?
6.    How long will we play?

Dates to Remember
May 10th- TVT play
May 15th- Field Day (1st grade)
May 24th- 1st grade Luau
May 25th- Celebration Assembly
-Last Full Day  -Summer Birthdays
May 29th- No School (professional dev.)

May 30th- Pick up Report Cards

Reading: We will test on Ben Franklin and His First Kite on Monday.  Throughout the remainder of the year we will be reviewing important reading skills and strategies.
Math: Related facts, fact families, using data from a graph, picture graphs, bar graphs, location on a grid, using tally marks, understanding certain or impossible, understanding likely or unlikely
Subtraction facts- Facts beginning with 12.  Adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Field Day for 1st and 2nd grade will be Tue. May 15th Students are allowed and encouraged to bring a water bottles.  Please label them before school.  Also, students should wear tennis shoes and a red shirt. 

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